218 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Aiken Drumn


Mon 14th May 13:22
Moon Base rated  Perfect
So much fun!
#4 of 4
Mon 23rd Apr 17:27
Risk vs Reward rated  Great
Fun times! Love how the game can swing back and forth
#3 of 4
Sun 15th Apr 07:20
Game of Hordes! rated  Terrible
Simply doesn't work. Too easy to defeat someone.

Noone gets any extra units until card flops, and then the game is won in one fell swoop.

1 player eliminated immediately, then I won it on my third turn. I shouldn't have!
#2 of 4
Mon 9th Jan 17:53
WarGear Warfare rated  Good
#1 of 4